How Bespoke Software Integrates Systems

People sometimes see the term “bespoke software” and think it is about something exclusive or only available to bigger companies. This is not true, as it is worth investing in a bespoke software setup that can help ensure that your systems are properly integrated, preventing further issues in the long term.
The definition of an integrated system is effectively your hardware and software working as one efficient setup. This makes the process of using it more efficient, which in turn boosts productivity, which additionally reduces the costs to your business.
Why bespoke?
After seeing this, it is fair to ask- “Why do we need a bespoke software package to achieve this?” Logically, pre-packaged software should be ideal for your business.
Unfortunately, this assumes that all businesses have the same kind of workload or logistical issues. In reality, these pre-packaged options may not fully integrate with your hardware, due to the fact it can’t be customised.
In some cases, you may start with a particular setup that works for you. However, companies often find that as their business grows, outdated software proves insufficient for their needs. It is worth investing in a bespoke setup, as it is then easier to adjust it to your requirements than it is with something that is designed for a broader range of businesses.
An extra edge
Inevitably with any business, there is competition and anything that can give you an extra edge could be the difference between keeping and losing a customer. For example, let’s say someone needs to call a company in order to enquire about a phone delivery. One company is able to process the issue quickly and address the issue.
The other company takes longer, because they are trying to use software that has issues with their hardware. This could mean you have to put the customer on hold for a little bit longer while you try to complete the process. In frustration, the customer decides to cancel their contract and go with the company that someone else tells them has better customer service.
Before contacting a company about switching to a bespoke setup, it is worth asking a few questions and evaluating your current system. Does it do what you want it to do, and is it user-friendly? It may also have additional features you don’t really need, something you don’t get with bespoke software as you only get what you need for your business, rather than a set of tools that everyone gets regardless of whether or not it is required.
Contact us
At Streamsoft, we want you to have something that works for your business, both in the short and long term. With our packages, we can make sure that you have a fully integrated system that is designed with your unique requirements in mind, as well as adjusting as your business changes and adapts. For more information and to discuss our services in more detail, please contact us today.